Dealing with unpleasant-smelling water can be a challenge many homeowners face. Whether the water smells like sulfur, bleach, or something else, it’s important to take steps to make sure the water is safe to drink before removing the odour.

Again for many water heaters the water smells, however, if the water still smells after replacing the anode rod, other methods must be considered.
But that may include cleaning and disinfecting the water tank yourself or even calling a professional plumber for assistance.
That’s why we will discuss how to remove the smell from water tank in this blog.
Let’s start without delay.
How To Remove Smell From Water Tank

1. Empty And Refill Your Tank
A stable water supply for any home depends heavily on maintaining water tanks in excellent shape. The accumulation of foul smells, which can have a variety of unpleasant side effects, is one of the most frequent issues with water tanks.
It’s essential to empty and refill your water tank at least once a year if you have water tank smells.
This makes it possible to guarantee that the water you consume is free of germs and other impurities that might produce unpleasant smells.
Many water treatment professionals recommend treating the tank with a detergent or biofilm remover before refilling for additional safety and health benefits such as reducing environmental pollutants.
By following these simple steps, in time you can enjoy fresh, clean water for all your domestic needs without worrying about bad odours !
2. Check for Odors in Cold & Hot Water
Hot water tanks are problematic water sources because they can hold odours, which can transfer to tap water. To prevent this, it is important to test the smell of both the hot water and the cold water coming from the hot water faucet.
If there are odors, they must be eliminated by cleaning or replacing the water tank and the pipes leading to the water tank.
In addition to removing any accumulated dirt or deposits, it may be necessary to refresh the pipes with baking soda and vinegar before using the water again.
3. Replacing The Anode Rod In Hot Water Heater
Replacing the anode rod in your hot water tank is one of the key steps in preventing unpleasant odors coming from your hot water supply.
A magnesium anode rod helps reduce corrosion that can lead to foul-smelling water, but if you’ve already replaced your anode rod and the water still smells, additional odours may be the cause.
Examine any drain valves or tank screws that don’t have plastic liners for bacterial development.
When in doubt, think about flushing the tank with a cleaning solution because silt buildup in the tank can also result in unpleasant odours.
Once these issues are resolved, you should once again have fresh-smelling water.
4.Eliminate High Levels of Sulfur Reducing Bacteria
Water systems tend to accumulate sulfur-reducing bacteria, resulting in a foul “rotten egg” odor that is difficult to remove.
The most effective technique for dealing with high levels of this bacteria is to place an aluminum rod in the water tank to change the water chemistry and remove odors.
This method has proven to be reliable and cost-effective for cleaning water tanks and will usually help restore water tanks to their original level of performance.
5.Putting Hydrogen Peroxide In Water Heater
A common problem with water heaters that use hydrogen gas is a rotten egg smell from the water tank. To solve this problem, many people are now using hydrogen peroxide in the tank.
This hydrogen peroxide works by breaking down the hydrogen sulfide gas, which causes the putrid smell in your water supply.
In addition to removing odors, hydrogen peroxide helps clean and protect the interior of your water heater, leaving you with clean and safe drinking water.
6.Installing a Water Softening System
Investing in a water softening system can make a huge difference when it comes to water quality.
Not only will you experience softer water that won’t cause unpleasant odors or corrosion, but a water softener will work hard to eliminate the buildup of minerals commonly found in water tanks.
An added benefit is that your household appliances can last much longer due to the water being free from harmful materials such as limescale deposits.
Installing a water softener is an easy way to achieve smoother, cleaner water and enjoy better results from your water tank.
7.Install Water Heater Odor Killer
If you have a hot water heater, you know very well that new water heater water can smell from time to time.
But what if there was an odor killer specifically designed to help remove odors from your hot water tank.
With an easy-to-install water heater odor killer, you’ll be able to enjoy hot showers and pleasant-smelling hot taps again.
One of these odor killers is easy to install – it removes odors quickly and easily, giving you back the warm and comfortable hot water you deserve.
8.Using Chlorine
Chlorine bleach is an effective product for removing odors from water tanks. It is easy to use and easily accessible, making it a popular choice among homeowners.
Chlorine bleach can be added to the tank to remove odors caused by bacteria, algae, dirt and other contaminants.
To use chlorine bleach safely, it’s important to calculate the amount needed using a chlorine test strip or calculator and then follow the directions carefully.
FAQ: How To Remove Smell From Water Tank
Q1.Can Smelly Water Make You Sick?
Standing water can be a real problem for any homeowner, and if the water smells like sewage or chemicals, it may contain harmful contaminants and could make you sick if consumed. If the water supply is indeed contaminated, you may want to consider using an effective filter or switching to bottled water to prevent illness.
Q2.How Do You Clean a Dirty Water Tank?
Clean water tanks can be a labor-intensive task, but are worth the effort. The first step in cleaning a water tank is to completely drain the container. Then, wash the inside of the tank with clean, hot water and a cleaning solution suitable for your specific tank material.
Q3.Which Chemical is Best For Water Tank Cleaning?
When choosing the right chemicals for cleaning a water tank, chlorine bleach and muriatic acid work to kill potential pathogens or combat sludge build-up inside the tank, often more suitable for more stubborn clogs and rust residue. Consult with a licensed contractor if necessary, and select the best chemical option to keep your water tank clean.