Category : Bathtub Material

What are the Concrete Bathtub Pros and Cons?

This article explores the Concrete Bathtub Pros and Cons for bathroom renovation. Learn about durability, customization options, cost, and maintenance.

a bathtub in greenish background

Are you currently planning a bathroom renovation and intrigued by the idea of incorporating a concrete bathtub?

Before making a final decision, it’s vital to explore the pros and cons of this distinctive and stylish option.

Concrete bathtubs have garnered significant popularity in modern bathroom design, but it’s important to evaluate whether they align with your specific needs and preferences.

Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of concrete bathtubs will empower you to make an informed choice for your bathroom transformation.

Pros of Concrete Bathtubs

a concrete bathtub

Durability and longevity. Concrete bathtubs are very strong and durable. They don’t crack, chip, or stain easily, so they last a long time even with daily use.

Customizable Design. Concrete bathtubs can be made into many shapes, sizes, and designs to match your bathroom style and preferences.

Heat Retention. Concrete is great for making bathtubs because it keeps the water warm for longer, which makes for a cozy bath and could even save energy. Its thermal properties are excellent.

Low Maintenance. Concrete bathtubs need little upkeep. They’re simple to clean and generally resist stains. But you have to seal them right to stop moisture from soaking in and keep the tub looking good for years.

Cons of Concrete Bathtubs

a bathtub

High Initial Cost. Concrete bathtubs are more expensive than other materials, but they last longer and can be customized to your liking. Keep in mind your budget and long-term goals when deciding if a concrete bathtub is worth the investment for your bathroom renovation.

Heavy Weight. Concrete bathtubs are heavy and require proper structural support during installation. It is essential to hire professionals with experience in installing concrete bathtubs to ensure a secure and safe installation.

Requires Professional Installation. Concrete bathtubs are heavy and complex, so it’s important to hire professionals who specialize in installing them. This will ensure that they are placed correctly and prevent any future problems.

May Crack or Chip Over Time. Concrete bathtubs may develop cracks or chips over time, particularly if subjected to heavy impact, but with proper maintenance and careful use, damage can be minimized.

How do concrete bathtubs compare to Acrylic or Steel tubs?

a concrete bathtub

Concrete, acrylic, and steel are all popular materials for bathtubs made of. Here are some comparisons between the three:

TopicConcrete BathtubsAcrylic BathtubsSteel Bathtubs
Customizable Design
Heat Retention
Low Maintenance
Initial Cost
Professional Installation Required
Prone to Cracking or Chipping
Resistance to Chips and Rust

the choice between concrete, acrylic, and steel bathtubs depends on personal preference, budget, and the specific needs of the bathroom.

Concrete bathtubs are durable and customizable but more expensive, while acrylic bathtubs are lightweight and less expensive but more susceptible to scratches and cracks.

Steel bathtubs are durable and resistant to chips and rust but less customizable than concrete bathtubs.

What is the cost difference between concrete and other materials?

Concrete bathtubs are generally more expensive than other materials, such as steel or acrylic. However, the price can vary depending on the brand and type of bathtub. Here are some estimated price ranges for different bathtub materials:

  • Acrylic: $700-$1,000
  • Cast iron: $400-$14,000
  • Steel: less expensive than concrete, but more expensive than acrylic.

Keep in mind that these are just general price ranges and the actual cost of a bathtub can vary greatly depending on its brand, size, and features.

Which is more eco-friendly, concrete or other materials?

Concrete is not very environmentally friendly for bathtubs. There are other materials that are more sustainable and eco-friendly. Here are some examples:

  1. Recycled Copper
  2. Sustainably Made Concrete
  3. Reclaimed Wood
  4. Bamboo
  5. FSC-Certified Wood
  6. Straw Bales
  7. Grasscrete
  8. Rammed Earth
  9. HempCrete
  10. Cob
  11. Recycled Steel
  12. Sheep’s Wool

While concrete is not eco-friendly, it can be made more sustainable by using recycled materials and reducing waste during production. Some manufacturers are also making concrete bathtubs that are designed to be more eco-friendly by using less water and energy during production.

Bathroom Design and Style

When choosing a bathtub material, it’s important to consider how it will fit into the overall design style of your bathroom. Concrete bathtubs can be molded into various shapes and sizes and customized with different finishes and textures to complement your desired aesthetic. The natural, matte finish of concrete is well-suited for modern and minimalist styles, while a polished finish can add elegance to more traditional or luxurious designs. Ultimately, the choice of bathtub material should complement the overall aesthetic of your bathroom.

Here are some steps to seal a concrete bathtub:

Proper sealing is essential for concrete bathtubs to maintain their appearance and protect against moisture absorption. To seal a concrete bathtub, follow these steps:

  1. Clean the bathtub thoroughly to remove any dirt, grime, or soap residue.
  2. Apply a concrete sealer in a well-ventilated area, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Use a paintbrush or roller to apply the sealer evenly across the surface of the bathtub.
  4. Allow the sealer to dry completely before using the bathtub again.

Maintenance and Cleaning Tips

To keep your concrete bathtub in optimal condition, follow these maintenance and cleaning tips:

  1. Regularly clean the bathtub using non-abrasive cleaners and a soft cloth or sponge.
  2. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning tools that can damage the surface.
  3. Promptly clean any spills or stains to prevent them from setting.
  4. Avoid placing sharp or heavy objects directly on the surface to prevent scratching or chipping.
  5. Periodically check for signs of wear or damage and address them promptly.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are concrete bathtubs heavy?

Concrete bathtubs are heavy and require professional installation by experienced individuals to ensure a secure and safe installation.

2. How long do concrete bathtubs last?

Concrete bathtubs are known for their exceptional strength and durability, and they can last for several decades with proper maintenance and care.

3. Can concrete bathtubs crack or chip?

Concrete bathtubs may develop cracks or chips over time, particularly if subjected to heavy impact. However, proper maintenance and careful use can minimize the risk of damage.


Concrete bathtubs have many benefits, such as being durable, customizable, good at retaining heat, and easy to maintain.

But they’re heavy, expensive, and can get cracks and chips over time. Before choosing a concrete bathtub for your bathroom renovation, think about your needs, budget, and style preferences.

By considering the advantages and disadvantages, you can make a smart choice and create a beautiful and practical bathroom that includes in bathroom showers, bathtubs, toilets, bathroom floors, and bathroom accessories, you can visit our website

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