Category : Steam Shower

How to Convert Shower to Steam Room

We have a misconception about the steam shower in our minds that we have to create a separate steam shower or we cannot have one in our current shower!

But what if I say you can turn your normal shower into a steam shower with some simple steps. Also, many people are put off by wondering why they need a steam shower.

However, in this blog, we will know how to convert shower to steam room and before that, we’ll explore what are the benefits of a steam shower so that you feel a little more positive about the idea.

If you’re interested in a steam shower installation or looking for the best steam shower options, keep reading as we’ve got you covered with all the necessary information. Let’s start without delay then!

Advantages of Steam Showers

Steam Shower glass Room and written on "steam Showers  Advantage " and logo of "bathinhouse".

1. Relaxation

The ability to relax is one of the steam showers’ key benefits. Heat and humidity work together to relax your muscles and ease stress. Additionally, steam enhances circulation and assists in opening pores.

2. Clean Up

The skin can benefit from steam showers by being cleansed. Your pores may be opened and pollutants from your skin can be removed using steam. Heat can also aid in killing acne-causing germs.

3. Respiratory Relief

Respiratory issues might also be helped by steam showers. Mucus is thinned by steam, which also makes it simpler to remove from the lungs. Heat can also aid in clearing your lungs and improving breathing.

4. Pain Relief

Steam showers can also be helpful in relieving pain. Heat can help increase blood flow and loosen tight muscles. Additionally, moisture can help reduce inflammation, which can relieve pain.

How To Convert Shower To Steam Room?


Converting a shower into a steam room is an excellent way to improve the aesthetics and functionality of a home bathroom.

For that, you can follow the steps below,

Steam Shower ,Right Steam Shower generator , select right steam head ,written on  "Step Include of Convert Shower To Steam Room"

Step 1:Build a Steam Room

Before installing a steam shower you need to create a stream room.

A. What Size Should a Steam Room Be?

Convert a shower into your own personal steam room with the right size. Depending on the size of the space available, you can fit a variety of steam rooms, from as small as four feet by four feet too much larger models such as six feet by eight feet or more!

However, the minimum size is 3 feet x 3 feet x 7 feet but the height should not be more than 8 feet.

B. Steam Shower Construction Guidelines

Have you been dreaming of converting your shower to a steam room?

  • First and foremost, be sure to research the specific construction guidelines before starting any work. This includes having an enclosed and insulated shower space with a maximum ceiling height of eight feet.
  • For added bather comfort, adding sloped and built-in seating can also make your steam room extra luxurious and comfortable.
  • Slip prevention should also be a priority when it comes to the steam room floor.
  • In addition, double-pane windows should always be used in order to retain maximum efficiency and prevent heat loss.

Following these simple guidelines will ensure that you enjoy a warm and relaxing experience upon converting your everyday shower into a high-end steam room.

Step 2:Choose a Right Steam Shower Generator

A. What are The Types of Steam Generators?

When choosing which steam shower generator is right for your shower, you should consider size, power capacity and noise level.

Steam generators come in four main types: 

  1. Electric
  2. Oil
  3. Gas
  4. Combination Of Gas
  5. Heat-Recovery Steam Shower Generators.

Gas Steam Generators are powered by an unvented gas heater while oil Steam Generators use an external oil burner to heat the water. In this, we use an electric stream generator for showers in most places.

B. Decide Where You Will Install The Steam Generator

Installation location is paramount as safety should be a top priority when considering where and how to move the unit.

The ideal spot for your steam generator will depend on its size and power output, as well as the space you have available in your bathroom.

Some generators require ventilation through wall or floor outlets so that the steam they produce can safely escape your bathroom – so make sure these are easily accessible when planning your installation.

C. How Much Does a Steam Generator Cost

Steam shower generators come in a variety of prices, depending on the size and quality of the unit selected. Generally speaking, small steam shower generators cost between $900 and $2000.

D. How To Get Rid of Limescale in a Steam Generator Iron

Steam bathrooms are luxurious and make for a pleasant experience, but if you’re not up to date with maintenance, the iron in your steam generator is likely to build up lime scale. This will have a negative effect on your steam shower generator by reducing its efficiency,

All you need to remedy this is some white vinegar, paper towels and a sponge. Start by wiping down the steam bathroom generator with a vinegar-soaked paper towel and let it sit for 15 minutes before scrubbing it out with a soft sponge.

Step 3:Select Right Steam Head

A. What is a Steam Head?

The steam head fixture allows the steam room to distribute steam evenly throughout the room providing an enjoyable shower experience like no other. It help to Provides a luxurious and comfortable experience.

B. Where Should a Steam Head Be Placed?

The head of steam is an important aspect of the shower experience and should be placed carefully. Steam heads should be 6-12 inches from the floor to maximize performance and mist the walls with water vapor.

Additionally, steam heads should be positioned opposite your control and seating areas and away from doors so that no steam escapes outside the shower.

Moreover, they should be at a safe distance from the head, body and feet of the bathers so that there is no possibility of discomfort or injury. Properly positioned steam heads can provide optimal levels of relaxation in the shower environment.

Steam Shower Electrical Requirements

1. Use Vapor Sealed Lighting Fixtures

Using vapor sealed light fixtures certified for vapor is one of the best ways to ensure safety in vapor environments. The quality seals on these light fixtures prevent moisture from entering, which reduces the risk of short circuits and protects against any damage due to water exposure.

Also, the special construction of these types of lights also reduces the risk of fire. Finally, when you invest in advanced vapor sealed light fixtures.

2. Electrician Hire For The Power Required

Hiring an experienced electrician when installing things like installing a steam generator is one of the best ways to ensure you get the power you need quickly and without any problems.

An electrician will have the necessary knowledge, tools and experience to complete your project safely and efficiently, no matter how big or small.

Cost To Convert Shower To Steam Room

Converting a shower into a steam room can be expensive, but the benefits of having one can outweigh the cost. The typical cost to convert a standard shower into a steam room ranges from about $3,000 to $10,000 depending on the size of the steam room and the quality of product used.

The cost of the stream generator is $1500 to $2500 and the rest of the accessories, you can build a stream room for your convenience from $65 to $95 per square foot, but it depends on what you want.


Converting your shower into a steam room offers a luxurious experience and numerous health benefits, such as improving circulation, reducing stress, and promoting healthy skin.

However, it requires a significant investment, including the cost of a steam generator and installation by a qualified plumber or electrician.

Additionally, most steam generators require a dedicated circuit and may require additional electrical work.

It’s important to keep these factors in mind and hire a professional for installation.

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