Category : Shower Door

How To Clean Glass Shower Doors With Hard Water Stains

A glass shower door is elegant and sophisticated, but many people use shower curtains, for ease of maintenance, but glass shower doors add beauty to your shower room, which is not complete with a shower curtain.

But shower doors, especially glass ones, require a little maintenance, but a walk-in glass shower door looks the best.

One thing noticed during this maintenance is the white mineral deposits in the water that often dry out on glass door surfaces, causing a white stain known as a “hard water stain”.

How To Clean Glass Shower Doors With Hard Water Stains” in this blog I will discuss completely how to get rid of the problem very easily.

Let’s start without delay.

How Often Should You Clean Glass Shower Doors?

You can do this here, keep the door closed after each use so that the air doesn’t dry out quickly and if you wipe the shower door after bathing for the last person of the day, no water stains on glass will settle.

If you think you can ignore these first things, you need to deep-clean once a month.

However, you should not forget to wipe off the water every day or if you do not have time, but you need to do it every week to prevent water stains on shower.

There are two more things that can be done, you can bring a Magic Eraser without any other chemical or toxic product and you can bring a basic squeegee which will save you a lot of time.

The Best Thing to Use to Clean Glass Shower Doors

Things to keep in mind when cleaning Glass Shower Doors –

For Daily cleaning

  1. Squeeze
  2. Microfiber rag or soft sponge

For Deep Cleaning

  1. Sprinkle bottles
  2. Warmed vinegar
  3. Baking soda
  4. Glass cleaner

Easy Way to Clean Shower Doors with Vinegar

A homemade vinegar cleaning products is more effective than any chemical door cleaner made on the market. At the same time, it is very useful for removing hard water spotted.

Heat the white vinegar you keep at home and mix it in equal proportions with the dishwasher detergent. Then pour it into a spray bottle and spray it evenly on both sides of the glass door.

Keep this mixture for 30 minutes to 40 minutes, until the water stains on shower doors are removed. But if you want to clean it up as soon as possible, you can do it in 15 minutes, then rinse the mixture with the help of a sponge in water and wipe the glass with a microfiber cloth.

Better yet, Magic Eraser can be used, it is very good, just need to check a small area with light pressure before using it before cleaning solution.

When Do Not Use Vinegar?

If your shower room is made of stone, then you can damage the vinegar. Instead, mix some liquid soap well with baking soda until it is a thick paste,

But one thing to keep in mind when using baking soda is that it can scratch your shower glass.

Apply to the glasses shower doors with the help of a non-scratch sponge and rub well, then rinse well with the help of warm water.

Clean Cloudy Shower Glass with Help of Lemon

A lot of times we like to clean it with the help of lemon juice or lemon, one of the reasons for this is that the leafy lemon scent is very nice.

Anyway, you have to cut a lemon in half, dip the thorn side in baking soda, and then rub that slice of lemon on both sides of the door. The acid in citric acid reacts with citric acid to form a fizz and bubble.

I will say one more thing – if you mix oil you can rub it then oil will not dry out by acting as a repellent with soapy water.

Then it has to be washed well with water from time to time.

Many may use Windex again, but they need to be aware of what vendors forget about you because Windex contains ammonia, which carves the glass cooktops surface and forgets to dry and wipe the bricks and forgets to run a burner that releases ammonia gas gives into the air.

Keep the Shower-Door Track Clean

Need more attention when cleaning your shower door track, it has the tendency to accumulate the soapiest foam and dirt.

In that case, you need to rub the metal door track with the help of an old toothbrush with the vinegar mixture.

Take a sharp object like a razor blade and the paste should be removed. Scrape gently to remove soap scum. After scraping, rub the glass door with a scraping pad and rinse thoroughly.

Regularly clean the water that accumulates in the truck to reduce the number of future stains.

Keeping Regular Glass Shower Doors Clean

If you can clean your shower every day after bathing, deep cleaning will be much less, so put the mixture in a spray bottle with 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar, a little dishwasher and 1 cup of water and keep it regularly used.

But you can mix a little bleaching soda in it unless your shower room is made of stone.

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