Category : Water Heater

condensing vs non condensing tankless water heater

Tankless water heaters have revolutionized the way we experience hot water, providing efficiency and space-saving advantages over traditional water heaters.

When it comes to choosing the right tankless water heater, understanding the differences between condensing and non-condensing models is crucial.

In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of both types, providing expert insights and guidance to help you make an informed decision.

What is a Condensing Tankless Water Heater?

Condensing bathtub

Condensing tankless water heaters utilize advanced technology to maximize energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

By recovering heat from exhaust gases, these units extract more heat from the combustion process. The condensed water is then drained out, resulting in exceptional efficiency.

Advantages and Benefits

Condensing tankless water heaters offer a host of advantages:

  1. Unmatched energy efficiency: With efficiency ratings of up to 98%, condensing units outperform non-condensing models. This translates into significant energy savings and lower utility bills.
  2. Reduced environmental impact: By effectively utilizing waste heat, condensing tankless water heaters produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.
  3. Long-term cost savings: Although condensing units have a higher upfront cost, their energy-saving capabilities ensure substantial long-term savings on utility expenses.

Considerations before Choosing a Condensing Tankless Water Heater

Before making a decision, it’s important to consider the following factors:

  1. Initial cost: Condensing units generally have a higher initial cost due to their advanced technology. However, weigh this against the long-term energy savings they provide to determine the overall cost-effectiveness.
  2. Installation requirements: Condensing units require specific venting and drainage systems to handle the condensed water. Ensure your home meets these requirements before installation.
  3. Maintenance considerations: Regular maintenance, such as descaling and cleaning the heat exchanger, is necessary to keep condensing units performing optimally. Consider the maintenance requirements when making your choice.

What is a Non-Condensing Tankless Water Heater?

Non Condensing bathtub

Non-condensing tankless water heaters operate on a simpler principle, heating water directly without utilizing exhaust gases.

Advantages and Benefits

Non-condensing tankless water heaters offer the following advantages:

  1. Lower upfront cost: Non-condensing units are generally more affordable upfront, making them a budget-friendly option.
  2. Ease of installation: Non-condensing units often have simpler installation requirements, reducing both time and costs.

Limitations and Drawbacks

However, it’s important to note the limitations of non-condensing tankless water heaters:

  1. Lower energy efficiency: Non-condensing units have lower energy efficiency ratings compared to condensing models, resulting in higher energy consumption.
  2. Potential operational costs: Due to their lower energy efficiency, non-condensing units may lead to increased operational costs over time, reflected in higher utility bills.

Suitable Scenarios for Non-Condensing Tankless Water Heaters

Non-condensing tankless water heaters may be suitable for specific scenarios:

  • Small households or vacation homes with infrequent hot water usage.
  • Situations where upfront cost is a significant consideration and long-term energy savings are of lesser importance.

Key Differences between Condensing and Non-Condensing Tankless Water Heaters

1.Energy Efficiency Comparison

Condensing tankless water heaters surpass non-condensing models in terms of energy efficiency. By recovering waste heat, condensing units achieve remarkable efficiency ratings.

2.Environmental Impact Comparison

Due to their higher energy efficiency and reduced emissions, condensing tankless water heaters have a significantly lower environmental impact compared to non-condensing units.

3.Cost Comparison (Initial and Long-Term)

While condensing units have a higher initial cost, their long-term energy savings can offset the investment. Non-condensing units may have a lower upfront cost but can result in higher operational costs over time.

4.Performance Factors to Consider

Consider the following performance factors when choosing between condensing and non-condensing tankless water heaters:

  1. Flow rate and temperature rise capabilities: Evaluate the maximum flow rate and temperature rise capabilities of both types to ensure they meet your specific hot water demands.
  2. Ideal usage scenarios for each type: Understand your household’s typical hot water usage patterns and match them with the strengths of condensing or non-condensing units.

Factors to Consider When Choosing between Condensing and Non-Condensing Tankless Water Heaters

1.Budget Considerations

Evaluate your budget and weigh the initial cost against the potential long-term energy savings offered by condensing units.

2.Energy Efficiency Requirements

Assess your energy efficiency goals and consider the environmental impact of your choice.

3.Available Installation Space

Consider the available space for installation and ensure it meets the requirements of your chosen type.

4.Local Regulations and Requirements

Ensure compliance with any local regulations or building codes when selecting a tankless water heater for installation.

5.Hot Water Demand and Usage Patterns

Analyze your hot water demand, including the number of fixtures and simultaneous usage, to determine the appropriate flow rate and temperature rise requirements.


In the debate between condensing and non-condensing tankless water heaters, each type offers distinct advantages and considerations.

By evaluating factors such as energy efficiency, initial and long-term costs, and individual hot water needs, you can make an educated decision.

Selecting the right tankless water heater will not only provide optimal performance but also align with your budget, environmental goals, and usage patterns.

Also you want to water heater is important & invest in the right technology to enjoy the benefits of efficient and sustainable hot water for years to come.

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