Category : Shower Head

Water still comes out of faucet when using shower

When you’re enjoying a refreshing shower, it can be frustrating to find water still flowing from the faucet .

Not only does it shower head leaking and your showering experience bad, but it also affects water pressure and efficiency.

This article will explore the reasons behind this issue and provide solutions to help you resolve it effectively.

Understanding the Problem

1.The Role of the Diverter Valve:

The diverter valve directs water flow between the tub spout and showerhead, but it can cause water leakage if malfunctions or is worn out.

If you notice water coming out of the faucet while using the shower, the diverter valve may not function properly. Check if it’s stuck or worn out, as this can cause water to flow to the showerhead and faucet simultaneously.

2.Showerhead Problems:

Sometimes, water can continue flowing from the faucet due to the showerhead. If the showerhead is clogged or has mineral deposits, it may need to provide more pressure to redirect all the water to the showerhead. As a result, some water may still escape through the faucet.

3.Plumbing System:

Issues with the plumbing system can cause water to come from the faucet while using the shower. If there are leaks or faulty pipes, the water pressure might be affected, causing water to escape through the faucet even when the shower is in use.

4.Single-Handle Faucet:

Improper adjustment of the handle on a single-handle faucet, where you control hot and cold water with one lever, can lead to water still flowing. Therefore, ensuring the handle is aligned correctly to direct water exclusively to the showerhead is essential.

DIY Troubleshooting Steps

1.Checking and Cleaning the Showerhead

To address mineral buildup in the showerhead, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the showerhead.
  2. Soak it in a solution of vinegar and water to dissolve mineral deposits.
  3. Use a soft brush to scrub away any remaining residue.
  4. Rinse the showerhead thoroughly and reinstall it.

Regular showerhead cleaning can improve water flow and help eliminate water leakage issues.

2.Adjusting the Diverter Valve

If the problem persists, try adjusting the diverter valve. Follow these steps:

  1. Locate the diverter valve, usually found near the tub spout.
  2. Examine the valve for any visible issues or misalignment.
  3. Make necessary adjustments to ensure proper functionality.
  4. Test the shower to see if the water flows correctly to the showerhead.

Proper alignment of the diverter valve can resolve the problem of water leakage from the faucet.

3.Checking the Water Pressure

  1. Start by checking the water pressure in your home. Low water pressure can contribute to water leakage from the faucet while using the shower.
  2. Turn off all faucets and ensure no water appliances are running.
  3. Turn on the shower and assess the water pressure. The water pressure could contribute to the issue if it is significantly low.
  4. Check if any water pressure regulators or valves are installed in your plumbing system. Ensure that they are correctly adjusted to allow for adequate water pressure.
  5. If you are unsure about the water pressure in your home or suspect any issues with the plumbing system, consider contacting a professional plumber to assess and address the problem.

Professional Solutions

The Importance of Professional Assistance

In some cases, the problem’s complexity may require a professional’s expertise. Issues such as diverter valve replacement or repair may demand specialized tools and knowledge. Seeking professional assistance ensures an effective resolution to the problem.

Hiring a Plumber

When hiring a plumber, consider the following factors:

  1. Qualifications and experience in dealing with plumbing issues.
  2. Reputation and reliability in providing quality service.
  3. Availability and promptness in addressing your concerns.

A skilled plumber can diagnose the problem accurately and provide a long-term solution, giving you peace of mind.

Maintenance and Prevention

Regular Maintenance Practices

To prevent mineral buildup in the showerhead, incorporate these maintenance practices:

  1. Clean the showerhead periodically to remove mineral deposits.
  2. Use a soft brush or toothbrush to scrub away residue.
  3. Consider installing a water softener to minimize mineral accumulation.

By adopting these practices, you can maintain optimal water flow and reduce the chances of water leakage.

Water-Saving Techniques

In addition to addressing the issue of water leakage, consider these water-saving techniques:

  1. Reduce shower time to conserve water.
  2. Install eco-friendly showerheads that minimize water consumption.
  3. Collect and reuse water for activities such as watering plants.

These practices promote sustainability and contribute to water conservation efforts.


Water leakage from the faucet during a shower can be a frustrating problem that affects water pressure and efficiency.

This article discusses the causes of this issue and provides solutions for addressing it.

Maintain your shower to maximize functionality and your showering experience. Act quickly whether you troubleshoot it alone or get professional help. Remember, every drop counts!

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